That basic law is the most powerful guarantee. 这个基本法就是最有利的保证。
And as Germans, you declared in your Basic Law that the dignity of man is inviolable. 作为德国人,你们在你们的《基本法》中宣布人的尊严不可侵犯。
It is essential to put into practice each and every provision of the Basic Law and improve the institutions and mechanisms related to the implementation of the Basic Law. 要全面落实基本法各项规定,完善与基本法实施相关的制度和机制。
Second, uphold the authority of the Basic Law. 第二,努力维护基本法的权威。
I am bound by conviction, and by oath, to uphold the basic law. 我笃信《基本法》,亦曾宣誓维护《基本法》。
This is what was promised in our constitutional document, the Basic Law. 我们的宪制文件《基本法》已保证赋予香港自治的权力。
This is a basic law of interdependence. 这些一条相互依赖的法则。
Only Germany currently has a constitutional "debt brake" in its Basic Law. 目前只有德国在其基本法中规定了“债务刹车器”。
Germany guarantees "the right of personality" in its Basic Law. 德国的基本法保障“人格权”。
If there is a basic law, we are all one before it. 假如有一条基本规则,那么我们所有人在它面前都是一样的。
The basic law will be an important document, which you should draft very carefully, proceeding from realities. 基本法是个重要的文件,要非常认真地从实际出发来制定。
The basic law says that Hong Kong needs to peg to a freely convertible currency. 《基本法》规定,香港必须与一种可自由兑换的货币挂钩。
The basic law guarantees that Hong Kong will maintain its existing legal, social, and economic systems. 《基本法》保证香港会维持现有的法律、社会及经济制度;
Basic law or tradition was considered inviolable. 基本法律或传统被认为神圣不可侵犯。
National laws listed in, or added to, Annex III to the Basic Law; 《基本法》附件三载列或附加的全国性法律;
The promise is enshrined TM in the territory's basic law. 这一承诺写进了“香港基本法”。
And at the same time persuade [ Beijing] this is the best thing for Hong Kong, for sustaining stability and prosperity, and meet the international criteria of universal suffrage which is promised in the Basic Law. 而且,同时要说服北京,这是对香港、对维持稳定和繁荣来说的最好方式,并且符合普选权的国际标准&这是《基本法》中的承诺。
The Basic Law Drafting committee was composed of related personages and legal experts both from the hinterland and Hong Kong. 基本法起草委员会有内地和香港的有关人士和法律专家做组成。
The fundamental reason for our confidence is, of course, the solid promises of our Basic Law. 事实上,我们对前景充满信心的最主要原因,就是我们的《基本法》作出了确切的承诺。
The Basic Law, as the constitutional law of HKSAR, gives a firm protection to this principle. 《基本法》作为香港特区的宪制法律,为一国两制的原则提供有力保障。
The Authority and Procedure to Interpret Hong Kong Basic Law 《香港基本法》解释的权限和程序问题探析
The framework for electing the chief executive and the legislature that I have described has been firmly fixed in the basic law. 我刚才所说的推选行政长官和立法机关的架构,《基本法》中已有明确规定。
International civil procedure law is the basic law that regulates international civil and business affairs. 国际民事诉讼法是调整国际民商事交往的基本法。
We in Hong Kong are also determined to ensure the full implementation of the Basic Law. 我们香港蒥民也坚决确保《基本法》全面贯彻。
Congressional legislation, passed to implement provisions of the basic law, or to adapt it to changing conditions, also broadens and, in subtle ways, changes the meaning of the Constitution. 国会立法,被通过对基本法的贯彻供应,或适应它改变的情况,扩展和,用微妙的方式,并且改变宪法的意思。
All these factors which underlie our success have been guaranteed in the Basic Law. 所有这些成功要素,在《基本法》内都一一得到了保障。
That conforms neither to the facts, nor to the basic law of scientific investigation. 这既与事实不符,也违背科学调查的基本规律。
Probing into the basic law of protection of individual information in our country 我国个人信息保护基础法律问题探究
The resolution states that, the authority and formative methods of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region's regional organization, according to the "basic law", will be stipulated by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region. 决定说,香港特别行政区区域组织的职权和组成方法,依《基本法》规定将由香港特别行政区的法律规定。
All the above critical success factors for Hong Kong have been enshrined in the Basic Law. 香港成功的各种关键因素,在《基本法》中一一得到保障。